On the Tummy Spot: Lord Stow’s Eggtart

I have just recently tried this eggtart item but I have been intrigued ever since. I have heard a lot of friends mention Lord Stow’s and how they are quite famous for their eggtarts. One day while with family strolling around Binondo, I came across a branch of Lord Stow’s and decided to try out their eggtarts and see if they were all that everyone has been raving about. 
Upon entering the bakery in Binondo, you get this very cozy feel and an atmosphere that is quite different from the hustle and bustle of the Binondo streets. Very relaxed and homey feel with good airconditioning. 🙂 I do mention the airconditioning because if you have walked the streets of Binondo in the daytime you would know that it is quite tiresome and hot depending of course on the weather so the bakery was a welcome respite on that day.
I then proceeded to order the eggtarts and see what they were like. The eggtarts are quite small but they are packed with a creamy deliciousness that makes me want to order another one although I have restricted myself to just one thinking of all the sugar and calories that were in that eggtart. My first bite was good with the flaky pastry covering that rich and creamy custard filling inside which was not to sweet but definitely creamy! The tart wasn’t also too sweet for my taste so I really enjoyed eating them. I was in eggtart heaven! 
The tarts also come in boxes to bring as pasalubong for your friends and family so you can share with them the creamy and yummy goodness of the eggtarts. They were priced at PHP40.00 each so they are not a walk in the park as well but definitely well worth the price. 
So far this is the best eggtart I have ever tasted to date. As they say in Bisaya – “Pagkalami ug pagka espiso ba ani” which roughly translates to “Super yummy and creamy”. Although I have it on good authority that the exact term for “creamy” is “lapoyot”. Hahahahah! These are your Bisaya words for today!
Bon Appetit!
Note: Photo taken with my phone camera.


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