My Binondo Foodie Adventures Part V: Shin Din Kha Maki Place
My initial experience with Maki was in Super Bowl of China when my friend Witchy Crazy Mommy brought me there and I blogged about it here. I got the feeling that I did not really taste the deliciousness of the broth because the soup was too sticky for me. It tasted starchy somewhat. I am not really sure if it is supposed to taste starchy but I expected more so I vowed to go in search of a really good Maki experience because friend Jho tells me that it is really good if the Maki was cooked right.
When I tried the broth, I get the feeling of thickness but my tongue could discern the clean lines of the tasty broth too. It was good. I couldn’t stop eating it. The noodles were cooked just right and not pasty at all. Al dente as they would say. The broth really was the clincher for me. Clean, flavorful pork and beef taste that cut through the starchy element. I loved it!
The fresh lumpia that Mama got was just okay. The fresh lumpia we always get along Ongpin Street was better. This really is a Maki place and I want to go back and sample the other Maki offerings they have. But so far, it was good for me.
Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
Witchy Crazy Mommy
I like!
Ha Yuan near St.Paul church in QC still has the best for me.
Definitely Ha Yuan in Mo. Ignacia, QC!
Hi Anynomous,
Not familiar with that place.. If you can give me directions, I will gladly check it out..Am always in search of good food places..
Panciteria Manosa at Ongpin St. The original is still the best!
Actually, Ongpin Panciteria Manosa and Maki Place came from the same owners. The latter is operated by the descendants of the original owner.